

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 10-Q


                      QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OF

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         For Quarter Ended June 30, 1997 Commission File Number 1-4858

             (Exact Name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                      NEW YORK                           13-1432060
    --------------------------------------------     ------------------
   (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation       (IRS Employer
                or organization)                     identification No.)

     521 WEST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y.                10019-2960
   ---------------------------------------           ------------------
   (Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (212) 765-5500

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Sections 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding twelve months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                         Yes  x                No
                             ----                 ----

Number of shares outstanding as of August 8, 1997: 109,279,253



                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1. Financial Statements


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                         6/30/97      12/31/96
                                                       ----------    ----------
- ------
Current Assets:
   Cash & Cash Equivalents .........................   $  208,529    $  261,370
   Short-term Investments ..........................       46,326        56,613
   Trade Receivables ...............................      305,217       253,484
   Allowance For Doubtful Accounts .................       (7,674)       (8,733)

   Inventories:  Raw Materials .....................      201,734       211,124
                 Work in Process ...................       16,519        24,644
                 Finished Goods ....................      131,248       133,310
                                                       ----------    ----------
                 Total Inventories .................      349,501       369,078
   Other Current Assets ............................       90,477        74,544
                                                       ----------    ----------
   Total Current Assets ............................      992,376     1,006,356
                                                       ----------    ----------
Property, Plant & Equipment, At Cost ...............      859,233       878,224
Accumulated Depreciation ...........................     (406,487)     (410,427)
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                          452,746       467,797
Other Assets .......................................       33,702        32,760
                                                       ----------    ----------
Total Assets .......................................   $1,478,824    $1,506,913
                                                       ==========    ==========
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
- ------------------------------------
Current Liabilities:
   Bank Loans ......................................   $   22,903    $   18,929
   Accounts Payable-Trade ..........................       62,190        57,681
   Dividends Payable ...............................       39,300        39,628
   Income Taxes ....................................       77,445        56,832
   Other Current Liabilities .......................       99,820       107,394
                                                       ----------    ----------
   Total Current Liabilities .......................      301,658       280,464
                                                       ----------    ----------
Other Liabilities:
   Deferred Income Taxes ...........................       15,043        16,941
   Long-term Debt ..................................        7,351         8,289
   Retirement and Other Liabilities ................      124,654       124,682
                                                       ----------    ----------
Total Other Liabilities ............................      147,048       149,912
                                                       ----------    ----------
Shareholders' Equity:
   Common Stock (115,761,840 shares issued in '97
      and in '96) ..................................       14,470        14,470
   Capital in Excess of Par Value ..................      137,547       138,480
   Restricted Stock ................................      (10,125)          --
   Retained Earnings ...............................    1,154,432     1,106,572
   Cumulative Translation Adjustment ...............        4,283        47,555
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                        1,300,607     1,307,077
   Treasury Stock, at cost--6,644,763 shares 
      in '97 and 5,790,323 in '96 ..................     (270,489)     (230,540)
                                                       ----------    ----------
   Total Shareholders' Equity ......................    1,030,118     1,076,537
                                                       ----------    ----------
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity .........   $1,478,824    $1,506,913
                                                       ==========    ==========

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements




                                                     3 Months Ended 6/30
                                                    1997            1996
                                                  --------        --------
Net Sales .....................................   $381,470        $374,397
                                                  --------        --------
Cost of Goods Sold ............................    204,055         201,807
Research and Development Expenses .............     23,496          23,096
Selling and Administrative Expenses ...........     57,001          55,355
Nonrecurring Charge ...........................       --            49,707
Interest Expense ..............................        618             747
Other (Income) Expense, Net ...................     (2,497)         (2,699)
                                                  --------        --------
                                                   282,673         328,013
                                                  --------        --------
Income Before Taxes on Income .................     98,797          46,384
Taxes on Income ...............................     35,488          16,681
                                                  --------        --------
Net Income ....................................   $ 63,309        $ 29,703
                                                  ========        ========
Earnings Per Share ............................      $0.58           $0.26

Dividends Paid Per Share ......................      $0.36           $0.34

                                                     6 Months Ended 6/30
                                                    1997            1996
                                                  --------        --------
Net Sales .....................................   $764,283        $757,164
                                                  --------        --------
Cost of Goods Sold ............................    411,348         405,878
Research and Development Expenses .............     47,069          46,045
Selling and Administrative Expenses ...........    113,331         110,676
Nonrecurring Charge ...........................       --            49,707
Interest Expense ..............................      1,177           1,293
Other (Income) Expense, Net ...................     (6,568)         (7,113)
                                                  --------        --------
                                                   566,357         606,486
                                                  --------        --------
Income Before Taxes on Income .................    197,926         150,678
Taxes on Income ...............................     71,373          54,811
                                                  --------        --------
Net Income ....................................   $126,553        $ 95,867
                                                  ========        ========
Earnings Per Share ............................      $1.16           $0.86

Average Number of Shares Outstanding (000's) ..    109,420         111,032

Dividends Paid Per Share ......................      $0.72           $0.68

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                            6 Months Ended 6/30
                                                              1997       1996
                                                           ---------   --------
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
- -------------------------------------
Net Income .............................................   $ 126,553   $ 95,867

Adjustments to Reconcile to Net Cash
  Provided by Operations:
      Nonrecurring Charge ..............................        --       49,707
      Depreciation .....................................      24,765     23,078
      Deferred Income Taxes ............................      (2,071)   (11,263)
      Changes in Assets and Liabilities:
         Current Receivables ...........................     (80,435)   (51,696)
         Inventories ...................................       5,522     25,410
         Current Payables ..............................      26,421         99
         Other, Net ....................................         360       (444)
                                                           ---------   --------
Net Cash Provided by Operations ........................     101,115    130,758
                                                           ---------   --------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
- -------------------------------------
Proceeds From Sales/Maturities of Short-term 
  Investments ..........................................      14,573     12,424
Purchases of Short-term Investments ....................      (4,900)   (43,830)
Additions to Property, Plant & Equipment,
  Net of Minor Disposals ...............................     (24,131)   (45,278)
                                                           ---------   --------
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities ..................     (14,458)   (76,684)
                                                           ---------   --------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
- -------------------------------------
Cash Dividends Paid to Shareholders ....................     (79,021)   (75,503)
Increase in Bank Loans .................................       3,979      4,937
Decrease in Long-term Debt .............................      (1,008)    (1,138)
Proceeds From Issuance of Stock Under Stock
   Option Plans ........................................       7,389      6,288
Purchase of Treasury Stock .............................     (59,752)    (5,319)
                                                           ---------   --------
Net Cash Used In Financing Activities ..................    (128,413)   (70,735)
                                                           ---------   --------
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
  Equivalents ..........................................     (11,085)    (7,969)
                                                           ---------   --------
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents ................     (52,841)   (24,630)

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year .........     261,370    251,430
                                                           ---------   --------
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period .............   $ 208,529   $226,800
                                                           =========   ========
Interest Paid ..........................................   $   1,090   $  1,263

Income Taxes Paid ......................................   $  46,816   $ 48,451

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

These interim statements and management's related discussion and analysis should
be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and their
related notes, and management's discussion and analysis of results of operations
and financial condition included in the Company's 1996 Annual Report to
Shareholders. In the opinion of the Company's management, all normal recurring
adjustments necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim
periods have been made.

In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 128 (FAS 128), Earnings per Share, which is
effective for both interim and annual periods ending after December 15, 1997.
FAS 128 simplifies the rules of computing earnings per share and prescribes that
companies present basic and diluted earnings per share amounts, as defined, on
the face of the income statement. The Company is studying the implications of
FAS 128 but does not believe the impact on earnings per share will be material.

In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statements of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 130 (FAS 130) and 131 (FAS 131), Reporting
Comprehensive Income, and Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related Information, respectively. FAS 130 establishes standards for reporting
and display of comprehensive income and its components, and requires that an
enterprise classify items of other comprehensive income by their nature in a
financial statement, and display the accumulated balance of other comprehensive
income separately in the statement of financial position. FAS 131 establishes
standards for the way public business enterprises report information about
operating segments in annual financial statements and requires that such
enterprises report selected information about operating segments in interim
reports to shareholders. Both standards are effective for periods beginning
after December 15, 1997. The Company is currently evaluating the standards and
the reporting implications thereof.

Effective January 1, 1997, the Company adopted Statement of Position 96-1 (SOP
96-1), Accounting for Environmental Remediation Liabilities issued by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. SOP 96-1 establishes
guidance for when environmental liabilities should be recorded and the factors
to be considered in determining amounts recognized. The effect of adopting this
standard was not material to the Company.

As described in Note 2 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
included in the Company's 1996 annual report to shareholders, the Company
undertook a program to expand and streamline its aroma chemical production
facilities during 1996. The aroma chemical streamlining resulted in a
nonrecurring pretax charge to second quarter 1996 earnings of $49,707,000
($31,315,000 after tax or $.29 per share). At December 31, 1996, the remaining
balance in the reserve was as follows:

            Employee related ......................  $10,069,000
            Closing manufacturing plants ..........   32,632,000
              Total ...............................  $42,701,000

Utilization of the reserve since December 31, 1996 has not been material.


In connection with an employment contract, the Company made a restricted stock
award effective January 1, 1997. The restrictions generally relate to continuous
employment and expire over a five year period from the date of grant.
Compensation expense is recognized over the restricted period.

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
        Financial Condition


Worldwide net sales for the second quarter of 1997 were $381,470,000, compared
to $374,397,000 in the 1996 second quarter. For the first six months of 1997,
net sales totaled $764,283,000, compared to $757,164,000 for the six month
period in 1996. Sales in the second quarter and first six months of 1997 were
affected by the translation of local currency sales gains into the stronger U.S.
dollar. If the dollar exchange rate had remained the same during these periods,
worldwide sales would have increased approximately 6% and 5%, respectively, over
the sales reported in the comparable periods last year. Local sales increases
were particularly strong in the emerging market areas of Latin America and the
Far East, with good increases also achieved in Western Europe.

Net income for the second quarter of 1997 totaled $63,309,000 compared to
$61,018,000 in the prior year second quarter; net income for the first six
months of 1997 totaled $126,553,000 compared to $127,182,000 for the comparable
1996 period. Earnings per share for the second quarter and first six months of
1997 were $.58 and $1.16, as compared to $.55 and $1.15 per share in the prior
year quarter and six month periods, respectively. The 1996 amounts exclude the
effect of the one-time charge to second quarter earnings for streamlining the
Company's aroma chemical operations; including this charge, net income for the
second quarter and six months ended June 30, 1996 was $29,703,000 and
$95,867,000, respectively, and earnings per share were $.26 and $.86,

The percentage relationship of cost of goods sold and other operating expenses
to sales for the first half 1997 and 1996 remained fairly constant, especially
on an overall basis.

                                                            First Half
                                                        1997         1996
                                                        ----         ----
      Cost of Goods Sold ............................   53.8%        53.6%
      Research and Development Expense ..............    6.2%         6.1%
      Selling and Administrative Expense ............   14.8%        14.6%

As described in Note 2 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
included in the Company's 1996 annual report to shareholders, the Company
undertook a program to expand and streamline its aroma chemical production
facilities during 1996. The aroma chemical streamlining resulted in a
nonrecurring pretax charge to second quarter 1996 earnings of $49,707,000
($31,315,000 after tax or $.29 per share). At December 31, 1996, the remaining
balance in the reserve was as follows:

             Employee related .....................   $10,069,000
             Closing manufacturing plants .........    32,632,000
               Total ..............................   $42,701,000


Utilization of the reserve since December 31, 1996 has not been material.

Financial Condition

The financial condition of the Company continued to be strong. Cash, cash
equivalents and short-term investments totaled $254,855,000 at June 30, 1997. At
June 30, 1997, working capital was $690,718,000 compared to $725,892,000 at
December 31, 1996. Gross additions to property, plant and equipment during the
first half of 1997 were $24,390,000. In September 1996, the Company announced a
plan to repurchase up to an additional 7.5 million shares of its common stock.
An existing program to repurchase 7.5 million shares, which has been in effect
since 1992, was completed in the first quarter of 1997. Repurchases will be made
from time to time on the open market or through private transactions as market
and business conditions warrant. The repurchased shares will be available for
use in connection with the Company's employee benefit plans and for other
general corporate purposes.

In January 1997, the Company's cash dividend was increased 5.9% to an annual
rate of $1.44 per share, and $.36 per share was paid to shareholders in both the
first and second quarters of 1997. The Company anticipates that its growth,
capital expenditure programs and share repurchase programs will be funded from
internal sources.

The cumulative translation adjustment component of Shareholders' Equity at June
30, 1997 was $4,283,000 compared to $47,555,000 at December 31, 1996. Changes in
the component result from translating the net assets of the majority of the
Company's foreign subsidiaries into U.S. dollars at current exchange rates as
required by the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 52 on accounting
for foreign currency translation.



Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

At the annual meeting of Registrant's shareholders held Thursday, May 8, 1997,
at which 99,156,961 shares, or 90.2%, of Registrant's Common Stock were
represented in person or by proxy, the 12 nominees for director of Registrant,
as listed in Registrant's proxy statement dated March 27, 1997 previously filed
with the Commission, were duly elected to Registrant's Board of Directors. There
was no solicitation of proxies in opposition to these nominees.

At such annual meeting, the shareholders also voted with respect to the other
matter submitted for shareholder consideration as follows, the vote being
legally sufficient to adopt the proposal:

          Proposal to approve registrant's 1997 Employee Stock
          Option Plan, covering up to 3.5 million shares of
          Registrant's Common Stock.

                                                 No. of Shares
          FOR .................................   95,774,417

          AGAINST .............................    2,532,442

          ABSTAIN AND NON-VOTING ..............      850,102



     (a)  Exhibits

           3(a) Amendment to By-laws adopted May 8, 1997.

          10(a) Registrant's 1997 Employee Stock Option Plan incorporated by
                reference to Exhibit A to the Proxy Statement of Registrant
                dated April 27, 1997 (File No. 1-4858).

          27    Financial Data Schedule (EDGAR version only).

     (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

          Registrant filed no report on Form 8-K during the quarter for which
          this report on Form 10-Q is filed.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


Dated: August 13, 1997    By: /s/ THOMAS H. HOPPEL
                              Thomas H. Hoppel, Vice-President and Chief
                              Financial Officer

Dated: August 13, 1997    By: /s/ STEPHEN A. BLOCK 
                              Stephen A. Block, Vice-President Law and Secretary

                                                                    EXHIBIT 3(a)

                    RESOLUTION ADOPTED MAY 8, 1997 BY BOARD
                        FRAGRANCES INC. AMENDING BY-LAWS
                       IN RESPECT OF ANNUAL MEETING DATE

     RESOLVED that Section 1 of Article I of the By-laws of the Corporation, as
amended, is hereby amended, effective with the 1999 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, to read in its entirety as follows:

     "SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the
Corporation for the election of directors and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before the meeting shall be held on the third
Thursday of May in each year, if not a legal holiday, and if a legal holiday,
then on the next succeeding day not a legal holiday, at the office of the 
Corporation or at such other place and at such hour as shall be designated in
the notice thereof."


5 The schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the Consolidated Balance Sheet & Consolidated Statement of Income and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. Amounts in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts. 1000 6-MOS DEC-31-1997 JUN-30-1997 208,529 46,326 305,217 (7,674) 349,501 992,376 859,233 (406,487) 1,478,824 301,658 7,351 0 0 14,470 1,015,648 1,478,824 764,283 764,283 411,348 571,748 (6,568) 0 1,177 197,926 71,373 126,553 0 0 0 126,553 1.16 1.16